
Healthy ways to release your anger and sadness…

By Cait Lemieux | October 22, 2020

Reflecting on the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies our journey through motherhood and womanhood, it’s not always a walk in the park to embrace our true selves and feel confident in the process. Just like stepping in front of the camera can be daunting, navigating the complexities of our emotions can leave us feeling unsure and […]

Teaching mindfulness to our children…

By Cait Lemieux | October 21, 2020

Unfortunately my kids don’t learn self-care and self-awareness practices at school. The importance of tapping into universal energy, or the simple fact that we are energetic beings with the power to heal, calm and grow ourselves from within. I teach them about the different energy centers, the power and influence of each center and how […]

Chat with Erin on her journey into Motherhood and Self-Care

By Cait Lemieux | August 23, 2020

Cait: Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today. I am wanting to know a little bit of background about you and your journey (motherhood, womanhood). So I’ll get right to it! What are some defining moments in your life as a woman & mother? Erin: One of the most defining moments for […]

The fight for my self…

By Cait Lemieux | June 17, 2020

Looking back now, I almost see my first few years as a Mum a blur. It’s hard for me to remember a lot of things. I remember feeling almost numb. I was definitely in survival mode. When you are in it though, it’s not so easy to see. While its perfectly normal to have overwhelm, […]

There comes a day…

By Cait Lemieux | February 6, 2020

There comes a day, somewhere in the middle of every woman’s life, when Mother Nature herself stands behind us and wraps her arms around our shoulders, whispering “It’s time.” “You have taken enough now. It’s time to stop growing up, stop growing older and start growing wiser – and wilder. There are adventures still waiting […]

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