
For so many women, our voices are a muscle we haven’t fully flexed. We’ve been conditioned to prioritize politeness, to shrink ourselves to fit into a mold that whispers instead of roars.

But what if I told you that reclaiming your voice is the key to unlocking the incredible, authentic woman you were always meant to be?

Easier said than done right? Today, I’ll help you get started.

This journey of finding your inner roar is one I see every day in my boudoir photography business. Women reach out, curious but also unsure. Yet, by the end of our session, they’ve embraced their vulnerability, found their voices, and often sashay out of the studio feeling like the queens they are. One of my recent clients even said she had Shania Twain’s “Man, I feel like a WOMAN” paying in her head as she was leaving. I loved that for her!

It’s a beautiful reminder that stepping outside our comfort zones, especially when it comes to claiming our desires, can be the magic spark that ignites a fire of healing and strength.

There’s a delicious irony in my own journey as a boudoir photographer. For years, I have soaked in the magic of capturing the transformations of my boudoir clients. Their journeys of self-discovery has fuel my own creative fire. But here’s the secret I wasn’t fully aware of: by pouring so much energy into empowering them, I let my own voice dim a little.

I think this prioritizing pouring into others, is something so many of us can relate to.

It became clear when I started noticing the little things. Not telling the waiter my order was wrong, holding back boundaries with friends, shying away from that flirty text from my husband – a collection of unspoken needs and desires.

Deep down though I knew that true empowerment was about claiming my own space, about owning the right to exist authentically in the world. I owed it to my clients just as much as I owed it to myself!

About 2 years ago, I signed up for a dance class. One that involved sensual movement, and 4 inch heels! Why? Because the idea of moving my body (in a sensual way nonetheless) in front of others, feeling uncoordinated and exposed, felt like the ultimate rebellion against my inner critic who was preventing me from being fully expressed.

I knew I was ready to take up space in a new way, by claiming ownership of my sensuality. And guess what? The more comfortable I became in that physical body, the more easily my voice has opened since.

I think this is what happens for my clients as well! We need to be working with our bodies not just our minds to unlock our blocks!

A bottom’s up approach to healing! Because our bodies are wise, and when something changes in your body, something changes in your life.

Science backs this up too. Studies show that simply holding a confident posture (think shoulders back, head held high) can boost your testosterone levels (associated with dominance and power) and lower cortisol (the stress hormone).

So next time you’re feeling hesitant to speak up, take a few deep breaths, adopt a power pose, and feel your strength surge.

But let’s take it a step further. Why not channel your inner badass with a sensual selfie? No need to go full boudoir shoot here, but capture yourself in a way that feels empowering. Maybe it’s a playful wink in the mirror, or a shot of yourself in an outfit you’ve been dying to wear – whatever it is, it’s about switching up your perspective and celebrating yo damn self!

And guess what? That empowered feeling translates directly into how you carry yourself and use your voice in the world. Seeing yourself in this new light can be a powerful way to tap into your more confident side, a side that’s ready to use its voice – unapologetically.

Here’s a few others ways you can start finding your voice and using it to transform your life:

  • Start a Conversation with Yourself: Journaling is a fantastic way to process your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. Use this space to explore your ideas, frustrations, and dreams. As you write, allow yourself to be unfiltered and unapologetic.
  • Find Your Tribe: Surrounding yourself with supportive women who celebrate your voice is essential. Seek out online communities, local meetups, or even start your own women’s circle. Being heard and understood by a group that champions your journey can be incredibly empowering.
  • Embrace the Power of “No”: Saying no might seem small, but it’s a powerful declaration of your boundaries and self-worth. The more comfortable you become using your voice to decline requests that don’t align with your needs, the stronger and more confident you’ll feel.

Finding your voice isn’t about becoming someone you’re not. It’s about rediscovering the authentic you, the woman who deserves to be heard, seen, and celebrated. It’s about using your voice to advocate for yourself, to inspire others, and to create a life that feels true and fulfilling.

We want to see you taking up space as your unapologetic self! Tag us in your sensual selfies on Instagram @risewithcait and use hashtag #takeupspacechallenge.

Check out more boudoir transformations HERE

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